My Best Nest: A Purple Martin Story
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Purple Martin NestlingsEnemy #1: StarlingEnemy #2: House SparrowMartin HooligansFeeding time!Bird features"My Best Nest," the bookA tale of beginningsBibliographyUseful linksActivities for kidsStudent ExercisesFor librariansAuthor and contributorsBuy the book

The book might be available at your local public library. To support purple-martin conservation in the community, 700 donated books were mailed out to public libraries in areas where purple martins nest.

Find a local public library where you can check out "My Best Nest".

This book is targeted for preschool to 2nd graders, but the beautiful artwork will be enjoyed by people of all ages. And, there is extensive supplementary material for adults included as well!

For older children you might also consider the book "Wing Nut".