My Best Nest: A Purple Martin Story
Why martins need people to care
Purple Martin NestlingsEnemy #1: StarlingEnemy #2: House SparrowMartin HooligansFeeding time!Bird features"My Best Nest," the bookA tale of beginningsBibliographyUseful linksActivities for kidsStudent ExercisesFor librariansAuthor and contributorsBuy the book

Why Purple Martins need people to care:

For centuries enjoying and helping Purple Martins has been a family activity. The custom of being a Purple Martin landlord has been passing for centuries. As North America becomes more urban there are fewer people experiencing a vibrant Purple Martin colony in their area and fewer people understanding the importance of Purple Martin pre-migration roosts and the need to protect habitat for migratory birds along the major migratory flyways. Purple Martins need some of the youth of today growing up to become dedicated and knowledgeable Purple Martin Landlords and roost monitors. A well maintained Purple Martin colony feds the spirit of the person who longs to bring nature to their own backyard and to personally help conserve a species. If you are interested in being a Purple Martin landlord please become well informed before purchasing or building a martin house. A good book to start you off in your research is "Stokes Purple Martin Book" by Donald and Lillian Stokes and Justin L. Brown. A Purple Martin colony requires one to be knowledgeable about the species, and dedicated. Purple Martins have specific location, care and housing needs. You may not have a suitable situation in which to host martins. You may wish to become a roost monitor instead. Several of the Purple Martin groups have mentoring programs for those interested in helping Purple Martins. Visit your library and check out books on birds.